Welcome to Garden Darlings!

Do you have a small garden, or even just a balcony or window sill? You can still enjoy wildlife, and help the environment!

Garden Darlings is about making the most of your outdoor space, however tiny or temporary. You don’t need to be a gardener to make things nice outside, there are lots of lovely ways to make your mark, and in doing so nurture your nature!

At Garden Darlings we spend far too much time at the window, and are always on the look out for ideas to entice and delight our wildlife visitors! We like things to be decorative and well-designed, as well as welcoming to our wildlife. Visit our blog for ideas!



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Goldfinches amongst the cornflowers…

Sun 19th August 2012

Now that my wildflower planters are going to seed their appeal is shifting from nectar and pollen seeking insects to seed eating birds, such as goldfinches. Even on a windy day they do a thorough job of stripping a single head before moving on… unless I disturb them by looming at the window, or stepping […]

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