Robin Family

Sun 29th April 2012

We’ve had a family of robins in the garden for the last few days, taking advantage of our feeders and foliage. There are three fledglings – one more advanced that hops about and helps itself, the other two still persistant beggars, trying it on with any passer by!

robin family in the garden

It must be hard work for the parents to find food in the wet weather, but the chicks are too hungry to care about the rain!

These fledglings will probably be looked after for another 2 – 3 weeks, probably by the cock bird, whilst the hen gets ready to start the second brood. Two broods a season is the normĀ  for robins, and a clutch of 4-6 eggs weighs nearly as much as the hen bird that lays them, so it’s understandable that she might need to take a break before the second batch!